Monday, September 20, 2010

Generate Payment file as eText through RTF

Resp: AP Manager
Setup->Payment -> Payment Administrator
Search for Type: eText outbound and Application: Payment
Choose the appropriate std template file based on either Position or delimiter. The rtf file is modified to custom need. Before to that we shall understand the structure of the rtf file and the std xml data file.
XML data file is generated by the DTD: Oracle Payments Funds Disbursement Payment Instruction Extract 1.0
The outer most tag be OutboundPaymentInstruction
Below this we have
1. PaymentInstructionInfo
2. PaymentProcessProfile
3. PaymentFormat
4. CheckFormatInfo
5. InstructionTotals
6. InstructionGrouping
7. OutboundPayment.
Of which InstructionGrouping and OutboundPayment are of importance.
InstructionGrouping: Has information about the Payer and the Payer’s Bank details.
OutboundPayment: Has information on both the Payer and the Payee details with bank information. This node gets repeated based on the Payee information. One important Node under this being the
DocumentPayable: this node gets repeated for each invoice in the payment for that Payee.
Standard package ‘IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB’ has been provided to add any custom information that needs to appear in the XML data. Each function in the package should return XMLTYPE data.
The RTF file has sections appearing as tables
1. Format Setup: Has information about the RTF Template such as Template type: DELIMITER_BASED / FIXED_POSITION_BASED, Character set: UTF-8, Case conversion: Upper or can be left blank, New records character: Carriage return. It can also include description about Invalid Characters that might appear in the data.
2. Format Data Levels: Custom grouping
3. Sequences: Custom sequences that will be shown in the payment file.
4. Format Data Records: This is the body for the format. This might be defined differently for Position based & delimiter based. It defines the at which the table shall contain the data. Eg: each of the 7 Levels under OutboundPaymentInstruction has separate table.
Then for Delimiter based it shall have
'MAXIMUM LENGTH' Maximum Length of the data
'FORMAT' Alpha/Number/Date
'DATA' Element Tag or constant ‘ABC’ or blank ‘’

And for Position based
'POSITION' Starting position
'LENGTH' Maximum Length
'FORMAT' Alpha/Number/Date Eg: Number, ###.00
'PAD' R/L padding with ‘ ’or ‘0’
'DATA' Element Tag

The command is to generate a new line and can be used at start or with-in the table any no. of times.

Each line in the table represents the column that appears in the payment file. Common Format types for Number: ###.00 , ###
Format operations do not work when Element tag are concated with constant values.
Further Conditions can be provided with If-Else conditions in the DATA column.
Eg: IF Currency IN (‘TWD’, ‘JPY’, ‘KRW’) THEN

Operations like Sum, Count can be applied for Levels that appear below any specified Tag.
Once RTF is ready follow these steps for Payment Profile Definition and Invoice Creation for Testing.

Payment Profile Definition:
The following steps will be followed to create ‘rtf’ template:
1. Nà Payments Setup Administrator -> Formats -> XML Publisher Format Templates -> Go to Task.
2. Create XML Publisher Template and attach the customized rtf to it.
Name XXX Domestic EFT Format
Application Payments
Data Definition Oracle Payments Funds Disbursement Payment Instruction Extract 1.0
Type eText – Outbound
Start Date SYSDATE
File .rtf
Language English

3. Create Payment Format. N-> Payments Setup Administrator -> Formats -> Formats -> Go to Task.
Name XXX Domestic EFT Format
Data Extract Oracle Payments Funds Disbursement Payment Instruction Extract, Version 1.0
XML Publisher Template XXX Domestic EFT Format

4. Create a Payment Process Profile. N -> Payments Setup Administrator -> Codes -> Payment Process Profiles -> Go to Task
Name XXX Domestic EFT Format
Payment Instruction Format XXX Domestic EFT Format
Output Payment File Prefix XXX_
Output Payment File Extn Txt
Output Payment File Directory /usr/tmp

5. Attach the new payment format created to the Bank Account. Below setup is example for attaching Payment format to Bank Account.
N -> Cash Management Super User -> Setup-> Banks -> Bank Accounts -> Query Bank -> Select Bank using Radio and Click on “Manage Payment Documents” button. Create Payment Process Profile using below table.

Name Electronic

Payment Document Category EFT PAY
Paper Stock Type Blank Stock

Format XXX Domestic EFT Format

First Available Document Number 100 (Can be any Number)

Invoice Creation:
Resp: AP Manager
Form: Invoice
Create new Invoice, Payment being ‘Immediate’. Enter the Invoice Lines and distribution details and Save.
Choose Action ->Validate
Choose Action -> Check Create Accounting (Final)
Resp: AP Manager
Form: Payment Manager
Tab: Payment Process Requests
Choose Submit single Payment Process Request
Specify Payment Process Request Name, Disbursement Bank Name, Payment document, Payment Profile Name, Exchange Rate Type: ‘Corporate’. Choose to Submit
Query for the Payment Process request, and Initiate action
Review the selected Payments, Identify the transaction to be Included (excluded/modified) in the Payment File. Save and Submit changes. Return to Payment Dashboard (Home) after submission confirmation is received.
Check Conc Prog: Format Payment Instructions with Text Output for payment details.
Output shall be also be generated at the location & prefix specified in the Payment Profile definition. If Output shows ‘???’, the line would have formatting errors.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Order Cycle - Internal Requistion to Receiving

Responsibility: Inventory
1. Check Material On Hand

2. If required Create Miscellaneous Receipt

Responsibility: Purchasing Manager Super User

1. Create Internal Requisition and approve.

2. Submit Request: Create Internal Orders

Responsibility: Order Management Super User

1. Submit Request: Order Import

2. Query the Internal Order. Order would be in Booked state with Line ‘Awaiting Shipment’

SQL: Select a.order_number from oe_order_headers_all a, po_requisition_headers_all b,oe_order_lines_all c where

and a.header_id = c.header_id

and b.segment1= p_requisition_number

3. Create Reservation (Optional)
a. Lines-> Tools->Schedule -> Reserve
b. Lines -> Tools ->Schedule -> Reservation details Enter Sub-Inventory, Locator, Lot Number, LPN

4. Either A or B

A. Shipping -> Release Sales Order
Enter Order Number, (shipping Tab) auto pick confirm 'Y', Auto Create Delivery 'Y' Auto pack Delivery ‘Y’, Enter Warehouse (inventory Tab)Click Execute Now or click Concurrent if Std documents need to be printed like the Pick Slip Report

Click Execute Now or click Concurrent if Std documents need to be printed like the Pick Slip Report

B. Shipping -> Transaction (Shipping Transaction Form)
i. Query for Order
Choose Launch Pick Release, Click Go. Successfull completion of Pick Selction List Generation Program, Order Line Status will be 'Picked'.

Successfull completion of Pick List Generation Program, Order Line Status will be Pick Confirmed.

ii. Tab-> Delivery
Choose Ship Confirm, Click Go.
Successfull Completion of Bill of Lading, Interface trip stop, etc, Order Line Status will be in Picked.

iii. If Next Step is Run Interface: Shipping-> Interface-> Run Interface Trip Stops and Inventory Interface.
Responsibility: InventoryQuery for the Item, check for the error. Select Submit, Tools-> Resubmit all and Resp: Order Mgt Super User: Run Interface: Shipping-> Interface-> Run Interface Trip Stops and Inventory Interface

5. Either A or B

A.Receiving through MSCA

i. Responsibility: Inbound

Express Receive -> Int Req

Choose Receiving Org

Enter Requsition Number, Item, LPN, Quantity, Sub Inventory, etc

Choose Done

ii. Drop LPN

Responsibility: Tasks

Manual Tasks -> Manual Drop

Enter the LPN, Sub inventory and Locator

Choose Drop Full LPN

B. Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
Receiving -> Receipt
Query for the Internal Requisition

Enter Detials: Packing Slip, Supplier Lot and Save. Order is received.